​Take Fashion Cues From These Malayalam TV Stars For Onam Wear

​Be elegant like Lakshmi

If looking for an elegant look, Lakshmi shows you how

​Try unique prints

Why not try some different prints like Aparna for this Onam?

​Match it up like Lekshmy

Try the matching Kerala saree and blouse combo like Lekshmy

​Not a fan of the big Kasavu border?

Go for small border sarees like Alice Christy

​Give it a twist like Aparna

Bored with the usual Kerala sarees? Be fashionable like Aparna Mulberry

​Bored of Kerala Saree?

Look royal with a shiny Kasavu saree like Ranjini Haridas

​Kerala saree like Janaki

Looking for the perfect Malayali Manka look? try nailing it like Janaki

​Not in the mood for a saree?

Try this ethnic wear like Ameya

​Go ethnic like Pearle

Steal this tiered Anarkali Kurta look from Pearle’s stylebook

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