Know Side-Effects Of Taking Fat Burning Supplements

Side-Effects of Fat Burners

Fat burners and pills are quite common, but try to be aware because most of it have number of side-effects on your mental and physical health too.

Psychological Effects

These pills or supplements can negatively effect your emotional state. It can lead to imbalance between emotions that could cause nervousness, aggressive behavior and anxiety.

Loss of Appetite

They are meant to cut down fat but the chemicals inside them trigger your hormones that can lead to loss of appetite which is not healthy.


Unfortunately, majority of fat burning pills or supplements could impact your health and dehydrate your body. Ephedine is combined with caffeine which results to this.


The improvement in the heart rate plus the state of metabolism can impact your sleep routine. This can cause insomnia and other sleeping disorders.

Blood Pressure

Fat burning pills and supplements naturally work to heat up the body. This helps you to boost metabolism and accelerate weight loss.


Any use of external fat burners in form of supplements or pills could hamper your physical and mental health. Try to be aware about supplements you are taking.

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