Just Slim And Trim Adnan Sami On Holiday

These are not common or garden photos of a celebrity holidaying in the Maldives

These are pictures of a new look Adnan Sami, casually showing off his lean self

The comments thread on Adnan's posts are filled with exclamations over his new physique

Adnan Sami was on holiday with wife Roya and daughter Medina

The family of three enjoyed a fabulous vacation at one Maldives's many island resorts

Adnan Sami also referenced one of best known songs in one caption: “Baarish mein Lift Karade”

Adnan Sami has been his best self for a while now, in case you were wondering

If that's not a glow-up, we don't know what is

अन्य जानकारी के लिए नीचे लिंक में क्लिक करे

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