Easy Yoga Poses That Can Help You De-stress

Easy yoga poses to reduce stress

Yoga a natural and simple way of helping your body and mind relax. Here are a few yoga poses that can help you combat stress.

Butterfly/Bound Angle Posture

Also known as the cobbler pose, this asana helps in strengthening the thighs, knees, hips and the back. It is a great pose that can aid in relaxation.

Supported Bound Angle Posture

Supta means a reclining pose. This asana helps one in becoming calm by instilling a sense of relaxation.

Child's Pose

This is an extremely soothing posture, the child's pose helps in achieving peace and is a great relaxation technique.

Bridge Pose

This yogic pose also helps in maintaining a normal blood pressure in a person.


Life is full of good and bad moments and stress can make things worse. However, these yoga poses will help in dealing with stress better.

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