Easy Ways To Deal With An Itchy Scalp
Do you often notice dandruff flakes on your shoulders even during summer Credits: Unsplash
Here are some easy and effective ways to deal with an itchy scalp Credits: Unsplash
Credits: Unsplash Shampoo at regular intervals
Shampooing your scalp can help reduce dandruff and excess oil. So, washing your hair three times a week is recommended Credits: Unsplash
Credits: Unsplash Have a balanced diet
Try to include foods that are rich in vitamins A, B, C, iron and zinc in your diet as they can help control dandruff Credits: Unsplash
Credits: Unsplash Opt for regular oil massages
Credits: Unsplash To rehydrate and nourish your dry scalp, massage it with a few drops of nourishing hair oil
Credits: Unsplash Avoid scratching
Credits: Unsplash Scratching your scalp can cause injury, as well as a burning feeling, bleeding, and other problems
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